Judo has the nature of water. The water flows to reach a balanced level. It has no proper shape, but takes that 
of the container that contains it. It is as permanent and eternal as space and time. Invisible to the vapor state, 
it nevertheless has the power to break the earth's crust. Solidified in a glacier, it has the hardness of the rock.
 It renders countless services and its usefulness has no limits. Here she is, swirling in Niagara Falls, calm in the
 surface of a lake, threatening in a stream or 
thirst quenching in a fresh spring discovered on a summer day »

Gunji Koizumi, Shi-han (1886-1964) (8th Dan)


The Judo Club Rozzano was born in 1976, thanks to the commitment and determination of its founder M ° Enrico 
Della Giustina, for us in the Dojo, still called "CHICCO".

Person of great human value, and of great charisma, to which we are all deeply attached today, and grateful for the 
teachings received, which go beyond Judo.

As President, our great friend Cesare Galli joined him, President until 1991, whose smile we carry in our hearts today,
 in fact he disappeared leaving a great void.

Other directors, Marchesini Orlando, Dario Segale, Patarini Giovanni, Dora Adami, Marcandalli Walter, Bettoldi, Blora

 Since 1980, in addition to Maestro CHICCO, other instructors have joined him, until 1990 when he decided to retire.

M° Bruno Stradella (1977 al 1980)

M° Carco (1977 al 1980)

M° Corradino Corbò ( 1980 al 1982)

M° Alvaro Stucchi (1983 al 1991)

M° Vincenzo Pece (1984 al 1991)

M° Rocco Di Luna (1992 al 2003)


Black belts from 1976 to today in order of seniority:

-         Luisa Califano,(Campionessa Italiana Juniores).

-         Paola Segale, (Campionessa Italiana Juniores)

-         Patrizia Bravi

-         Patrizia Zanella

-         Alberto Adami ( 3° Camp. Italiani Esord. - 2° Camp. Italiani Cadetti, 2° Camp. Italiani Cadetti)

-         Roberto Mesiano

-         Marco Segale

-         Virgilio patarini

-         Giuseppe Ninfo ( Campione Italiano Speranze – 2° Camp. Italiani Juniores – 2° Camp. Italiano Juniores –
3° Camp. Italiani a squadre )

-         Rocco Di Luna

-         Cristian Blora

-         Arturo Gangi

-         Amilcare Pasi

-         Mimmo Alberga

-         Lorenzo Battaglino

-         Davide Magistroni

-         Isabella Invernizzi

-         Giuseppe Maggiolo

-         Andrea Spirandelli

-         Matteo Magistroni

Since 2004 the technical direction of the Association has been entrusted to M ° Giuseppe Ninfo (C.N. 5 ° Dan).
Giuseppe Ninfo begins the practice of JUDO at the age of eight, going through all the stages of growth and maturation
of a Judoka. Experience the competitive spirit since childhood, obtaining results at a regional, national and international
level. Convinced supporter of the healthy competitive spirit, of competitive spirit and technical confrontation, he tries to
make sure that the group of practitioners, whether they are children, teenagers or adults, is present at every race. This
has allowed, in recent years, the rise of the Association in the federal rankings and a significant increase in the number
of members.


We were also honored to have had with us for the 2012/2013 Agonistic season, as a consultant to the
 Agonistic team, Cinzia Cavazzuti (CN 6 ° D), 
Olimpionica (Sidney 2000 - Athens 2004), 5th at the 2001 World Championships, multiple medal European
 Championships (Gold in 2002, Bronze in 
1999 and 2001)
 and several times Italian Champion.

 Collaborano gli Allenatori: Lorenzo Battaglino, Davide Magistroni.

 Il Direttivo oggi è cosi composto:

 Presidente: Dott. Cristian Blora C.N. 2° Dan e Arbitro Nazionale.

 Vice Presidente: Dott. Pippo Maggiolo.

Consigliere Tesoriere: Sig. Lorenzo Battaglino C.N. 1° DAN.

Consigliere Resp. Relazioni esterne: Dott. Francesco Blora.

Consigliere Resp. Rapporti  con Enti Promozionali: Carlo Invernizzi C.N. 1° DAN.

Consigliere Atleti: Sig. Giuseppe Ninfo C.N. 5° DAN e Sig.ra Paola Segale C.N.1° DAN.

 Scopi e Obbiettivi della Società:

Although today Judo is often seen and experienced as Sports, we must not forget its true origins and what was the 
purpose for which Prof. Jigoro Kano invented this 
magnificent discipline.

The Rozzano Judo Club has set itself the goal of teaching Judo in all its forms.

The dissemination of Judo through the methods and objectives established by its founder Prof. Jigoro Kano. 
Therefore, from the beginning, the courses have been structured in such a way as to take care, first of all, 
of physical education and the psycho-didactic aspect of the discipline.

Judo has been defined by Prof. Kano Ji-ta-kyo-ei and Sei-ryoku-zen-yo, that is "friendship and mutual 
prosperity"; obtained through "the best use of energy".

It means that Judo aims to let the judoka discover and develop his own attitudes, naturally motivating him to
 use them to the best in the context of the group, of society,
 of humanity, of life itself.

"We and others together to progress in society"

The intent of our JUDO school is to spread and make this principle understood by the pupil, triggering a reaction
 that will take him step by step to make them his own.

Evolving both in the physical and in the technical Judoistic, moral and spiritual profile, drawing on the inner strength 
that each of us has, and that he does not know he has.

Our company is affiliated to the FIJLKAM CONI Sports Federation, it has also set itself the goal of promoting, 
developing and spreading the image of competitive judo.

With competitive judo, you discover respect for yourself and your "self", your opponent and others.

The spirit for discipline, friendship, courage, humility is strengthened, you learn to recognize your limits and 
consequently to work to overcome them, and eventually 
accept them.

Also judo is a motor activity that brings significant benefits, developing physical-muscular harmony but above 
all it develops and enhances the coordinated and 
instinctive but also concentration psycho-motor faculty.

This lifestyle is reported in everyday life, improving academic and work performance.

The quickness of reflexes, the cunning, the timing, the safety and the recovery of previous states of shyness, 
laziness, insecurities or self-control on people with
 excessive hyperactivity or aggression are improved.

The character and behavioral framework that follows is the necessary basis for correctly imparting Judo techniques. 
All precious virtues in the society in which we live today.
